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There are several ways to give to the Pabst, Present, & Future Campaign, including:
IRA Contribution/Beneficiary
(Donors aged 70½ can make a charitable gift from an IRA without paying income tax on the withdrawal)
For More Information
Contact Morgan Sweet, Director of Advancement
(414) 931-0808 | [email protected]

Why Give Today?
- Cultural heritage sites are a limited community resource, which require ongoing support.
- Milwaukee has lost too many historic buildings to expansion, development and neglect. We cannot afford to lose another cultural landmark, especially one as significant as Pabst Mansion.
- Pabst Mansion shares Milwaukee’s history in a way no other institution can. Immersive history experiences bring visitors back in time, inviting them to use their imaginations to empathize with people from the past and reflect on their own world today.
- Learning history where it happened creates a memorable experience, one that stays with visitors long after their visit.
- The reach of the Pabst Mansion extends far beyond Milwaukee – in 2022, visitors traveled from almost every US state and dozens of countries.
- As one of Milwaukee’s most iconic landmarks, the Pabst Mansion is a vital component of Milwaukee’s heritage and cultural landscape.

Financial Need | Campaign Budget
Masonry Restoration | $3,200,000 |
Roof Replacement & Repair | $900,000 |
Window Restoration | $1,300,000 |
Architecture & Engineering Management | $200,000 |
TOTAL | $5,600,000 |
We expect tax credits and support from government grants will help to offset this budget by approximately 40%.
Recogniton Opportunities
Thank you at the end of the video shown to visitors in Pabst Mansion Visitor Center | $500,000+ |
Donor Recognition Piece in Pabst Mansion Entryway | $10,000+ |
Alphabetical Listing on Visitor Center Wall | ALL CAMPAIGN DONORS |
Together, we will preserve the Pabst Mansion for future generations. Pabst Mansion stands as a silent witness to Milwaukee’s remarkable growth during the Gilded Age, a testament to the dreams and ambitions that shaped our city. Knowing our history is critical to understanding the present and this historical gem bridges the “Pabst,” present, and future. As the most toured historic site in Milwaukee, Pabst Mansion weaves the past into the present like no other place can.
A true brick-and-mortar project, this campaign will safeguard the home’s integrity by repairing and preserving the bricks, mortar, and terra cotta that envelope the landmark. The project ensures the Mansion will be preserved for future generations. Historic preservation is fragile. Once a place and what it represents is gone, it can never truly return and what it holds becomes a memory to be lost over the years.
Caring for this historic treasure is no small task. Pabst Mansion’s iconic Ferry & Clas designed Flemish Renaissance Revival exterior, which stands proudly on Wisconsin Avenue, is comprised of terra cotta, brick, and several ornamental pieces. Significant work is needed to ensure future generations can enjoy the home’s grandeur.
Wisconsin’s freeze-thaw cycle puts immense stress on the mortar and masonry, leading to deterioration over time. Although much of the restoration needed may not be apparent to the naked eye, the threat to the building is prescient and requires immediate intervention. The building’s envelope is under serious distress, leading to water infiltration in many areas throughout the Mansion, presenting significant risk to the lovingly restored interior.
Eroded mortar joints and cracked masonry will be repaired.
The Mansion’s gables, dormers, and chimneys will be restored.
The Mansion’s gables, dormers, and chimneys will be restored.
The bitumen flat roofs will be replaced, as they are past their serviceable lives.
The bitumen flat roofs will be replaced, as they are past their serviceable lives.
Restoring & repairing distressed windows will ensure the elements are kept out of the Mansion.
Restoring & repairing distressed windows will ensure the elements are kept out of the Mansion.
The port cochere’s sagging arch and the cracked stairs that flank it will be rebuilt.
The mosaic tile porch that welcomes visitors will be restored.
The entablature at the conservatory will be rebuilt.
Why It Must Be Done Now
Failure to do this project now puts the Mansion’s future in peril. Time takes its toll, and the Mansion has weathered 132 years of Wisconsin’s freeze-thaw cycle. The proposed project represents once-in-a-generation expenses. Once complete, a project of this scale will not be needed for another 50-70 years. The organization finds itself at a critical point in time. This project is vital to protecting our fine and decorative art collection and the historic Mansion itself, our largest artifact.
- As the most toured historic site in Milwaukee, Pabst Mansion welcomes 45,000 visitors annually.
- An important economic driver, almost 50% of visitors come from outside of Wisconsin. Heritage tourism is important for the state. Heritage tourists spend more, stay for longer periods, and have a greater economic impact per trip when compared to other tourists.
- Almost 5,000 youth visit the Mansion each year. Primary youth programs include field trips, Family-friendly Tours, and specialty programs.
- Pabst Mansion offers more than a dozen tours, providing unique interpretations of our past and present.
- Visitors can explore the Pabst Mansion with the accompaniment of a self-guide packet available in English, Spanish, German, French, and Mandarin Chinese. Guided tours in Spanish are also available.
Campaign Leadership
Jim Pabst (Co-Chair)
Joshua Jeffers (Co-Chair)
Jerry Janiszewski
Mame McCully
(Pabst Mansion Board Chair)
Dr. Eugénie Pabst
Barb Haig
Sue Darrow
David Desimone
Mame McCully, Chair
Joe Tesch, Vice-Chair
Susan Laabs, Treasurer
Barb Scotty, Secretary
Board of Directors
Brad Amundsen
Brendan Bush
Tracy Byron
Karen Forrer
Jon Hopkins
Jerry Janiszewski
Joshua Jeffers
Kellen Kasper
Mark Knapp
Claire Koenig
John McNally
C. J. Wauters
Joe Yeado